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Definitions of "Yuh suh sweet"

1. Yuh suh sweet

English Translation

You are so sweet


Complimenting someone’s sweet nature

Example Sentences

Patois: Yuh suh sweet, yuh mek mi day brighta
English: You are so sweet, you make my day brighter

Related Words

Luv , Mi Luv Yuh , inner luv , boonoonoonoos ,

posted by anonymous on May 7, 2024

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How to Compliment Someone's Looks in Jamaican Patois

Patois is not only a way of communicating, but also a way of expressing emotions, attitudes, and humor. One of the most common and fun ways to use Patois is to compliment someone's looks.

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Other Definitions of "Yuh suh sweet"

2. Yuh suh sweet

English Translation

You are so sweet

posted by anonymous on November 5, 2023

3. Yuh suh sweet

English Translation

You are so sweet

posted by anonymous on September 14, 2019

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