Quick-tempered person
Someone who gets angry quickly
Patois: Di hot head bwoy always inna trouble.
English: The quick-tempered boy is always in trouble.
If you've ever chatted with Jamaicans, you might have come across the term "bun." It's a word with a lot of layers, and depending on the context, it can mean very different things. Let's explore the various meanings of "bun" in Jamaican Patois and see how this versatile term is used in everyday life.
Read more »Hot tempered
Slang term for a person that gets angry or agitated very easily. This person normally let their emotion gets the best of them and as a result, fights a lot and screams very loudly in front of people. In movies, characters with this type of personality are always the first to die.
Patois: Di hot head dem start a war inna di club yestideh
English: The hot tempered persons started a fight in the club yesterday.
Hot Steppa , Baby madda , Badman , Bait ,
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