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Definitions of "Cucumba"

1. Cucumba

English Translation



A cylindrical, green vegetable often used in salads.

Example Sentences

Patois: Put likkle cucumba inna di salad nuh.
English: Put a little cucumber in the salad, please.

Related Words

Pear , Tambrin , Panganat , June plum ,

posted by anonymous on June 22, 2024

2. Cucumba (Noun)

English Translation



Refers to a cylindrical, green vegetable with a crisp texture, often used in salads.

Example Sentences

Patois: Mi mek a refreshing cucumba salad.
English: I make a refreshing cucumber salad.

Related Words

Pear , Tambrin , Panganat , June plum ,

posted by anonymous on June 23, 2023

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