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Definitions of "Bafan"

1. Bafan

English Translation



Term used to refer to a awkward or clumsy person

Example Sentences

Patois: Deh bwoy deh a real bafan
English: That boy is very clumsy

Related Words

batty bwoy , Blabba mout , Cut eye , Fiyah bun ,

posted by Prince12 on April 29, 2014

2. Bafan (Noun)

English Translation



Someone who is very awkward or clumsy

Example Sentences

Patois: Mi wud mek yuh hole di baby but yuh a bafan
English: I would let you hold the baby but you are too clumsy

Related Words

batty bwoy , Blabba mout , Cut eye , Fiyah bun ,

posted by anonymous on December 9, 2013

. Bafan Pictures

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