So, in Jamaican Patwah, your 'raas' refers to your bum, and a 'claat' is like a cloth. Now, about toilet paper – besides its literal meaning, people often use it as an adjective to show dissatisfaction. It's like comparing something to toilet paper, implying it's just wasteful or not worth it.
Patois: Shut yuh raasclaat mouth
English: Shut your fucking mouth
Bloodclaat is like an adjective for cursing. It's literally "Blood Cloth," which means a sanitary towel. Pussyclaat? Yeah, that's "Pussy Cloth," same deal. Now, Raasclaat, Bumboclaat, and Battyclaat all boil down to "Bum Cloth," as in toilet paper! So, if someone drops a bloodclaat bomb on you, they're kinda saying you're all about body waste, which, in simple words, means you're seriously filthy!
Patois: How di bloodclaat yuh fi duh mi like dat?
English: How the f**k could you do me like that?