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Definitions submitted by colin.moxam

1. Raasclaat

English Translation



So, in Jamaican Patwah, your 'raas' refers to your bum, and a 'claat' is like a cloth. Now, about toilet paper – besides its literal meaning, people often use it as an adjective to show dissatisfaction. It's like comparing something to toilet paper, implying it's just wasteful or not worth it.

Example Sentences

Patois: Shut yuh raasclaat mouth
English: Shut your fucking mouth

posted on January 21, 2015

2. Bloodclaat

English Translation



Bloodclaat is like an adjective for cursing. It's literally "Blood Cloth," which means a sanitary towel. Pussyclaat? Yeah, that's "Pussy Cloth," same deal. Now, Raasclaat, Bumboclaat, and Battyclaat all boil down to "Bum Cloth," as in toilet paper! So, if someone drops a bloodclaat bomb on you, they're kinda saying you're all about body waste, which, in simple words, means you're seriously filthy!

Example Sentences

Patois: How di bloodclaat yuh fi duh mi like dat?
English: How the f**k could you do me like that?

posted on January 21, 2015