8 Search results for "ball heads"



Someone with a curvy body

Example Sentences

Patois: Thickas ave di curves weh tun heads.
English: The person with a curvy body, Thickas, has curves that turn heads.

Ball head

English Translation

Bald Head


A Rastafarian slang used to refer anyone who doesn’t wear a dreadlocks

Example Sentences

(patois) Dem a ball head, Dem anno rasta
(english) They have bald heads, They’re not Rastafarians.

yeye ball

English Translation

eye ball

Example Sentences

Patois: Him jook mi ina mi yeye ball
English: He poked me in my eye

mi nah ramp

English Translation

I am not playing.


Usually used to let someone know you're not in a playing mood.

Example Sentences

Patois: Weh yuh a throw di ball fa, mi nah ramp
English: Why are you throwing the ball? I am not playing

Bigga Heads

English Translation

Higher ups


Slang term used to refer to persons that have high positions in an organization (politicians, police chiefs etc... ).

Example Sentences

Patois: Him did a try fi impress di bigga heads
English: He was trying to impress the higher ups

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